1. 太煩惱 (Too Much Trouble) (Tai Fan Nao)
2. 帶我走 (Take Me Away) (Dai Wo Zou)
3. 我的愛吊點滴 (My Love Drips and Drops) (Wo De Ai Diao Dian Di)
4. 冷戰 (Cold War) (Leng Zhan)
5. 火星 (Mars) (Huo Xing)
6. 半熟宣言 (Half Mature Declaration) (Ban Shu Xuan Yan)
7. 愛我請 Shut up (Love Me Please Shut up) (Ai Wo Qing Shut Up)
8. 在你懷裡的微笑 (In The Arms Of Your Smile) (Zai Ni Huai Li De Wei Xiao)
9. 女生我最大 (Girls, I’m The Biggest) (Nu Sheng Wo Zui Da)
10. 幸福的節拍 (Beat Of Happiness) (Xing Fu De Jie Pai)